Ever wonder what a winning grants strategy looks like? During this week’s episode of The Nova Communities Podcast, we speak with Lesa-kaye Holtman to discuss a winning formula, tips for stakeholder engagement, and what do to if volunteers suggest grants that don’t align with the strategic direction of your organization. Her straightforward approach has been used to win more than $15 million in grant funding to help community-based organizations, nonprofits, and social impact entrepreneurs win grants for good.
Episode Highlights
- Welcome and Introduction (0:52)
- Considering Grants (3:10)
- A Winning Formula (7:34)
- What happens when you get the letter? (12:42)
- Stakeholder Involvement (24:09)
- When a Volunteer isn’t a Good Fit (31:48)
- Creating an Environment for Collaboration (34:19)
- Balancing Priorities (36:22)
- Final Questions & Wrap Up (38:32)
Guest Biography
Lesa-kaye Holtham, Strategist at FromLesaKaye.com
Government Grants Director, National Kidney Foundation
Lesa-kaye is a nonprofit grants strategist with more than a decade of experience and has won more than $15 million in grants and contracts for nonprofits including the American Diabetes Association and the National Kidney Foundation. She helps nonprofits develop and implement a grant strategy that not only increases organizational revenue but also fosters collaboration within the organization as well as with community partners and volunteers.
Her expertise also includes program planning, grant readiness, strategic grants planning, grant management, forecasting, prospecting, and collaborative proposal development.
Her goal is to help 1,000 community-based organizations and nonprofits win grants to collectively impact one million people. She shares winning grant strategies on her blog: fromlesakaye.com.
Lesa-kaye is an active member of the Grant Professionals Association of the National Capital Area.

Grab your free Million Dollar Grants Checklist from Lesa-kaye here!
Website | www.fromlesakaye.com
Email | hello@fromlesakaye.com
LinkedIn | From Lesa-kaye
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