As a society, content distribution has gone from print to radio, to television, to the age of the internet. And now it seems there is a significant trend towards digital audio. But when people think about audio, usually it’s about podcasting. Today’s guest is going to challenge that notion and help us learn how to use recent technological advancements to combine the superior substance of text with the convenience of audio, to modernize existing text publications, and increase member value. It’s not about giving your members more content – it’s about giving them more time.
Episode Highlights
- Welcome (0:40)
- A Unique Need (1:56)
- Delivering Value (3:55)
- Converting Print Publications to Audio (6:11)
- Case Study: American Bar Association (8:29)
- A Pile of Good Intentions (12:18)
- Audio Trends (13:52)
- Repurposing Content (16:36)
- Other Audio Uses (19:21)
- Small Action, Big Impact (20:17)
- Wrap Up (20:56)
Guest Biography
Kevin C. Mitchell, Esq. is the CEO of Modio Information Group
As many associations face an aging and/or declining membership base and look to update the way they communicate with their constituents as a result, many are asking how they can modernize their publications, historically one of their most strategic assets, to drive member engagement and growth; particularly among emerging professionals.
Using its patented system, Modio (“mobile audio”) Information Group partners with associations to convert their publications to a same-day, word-for-word, human-narrated, smartphone-enabled audio format; thereby placing the content in a format more accustomed to by emerging professionals and driving engagement across the organization as a whole by giving users on average 209 hours of additional time per year to consume the exact same content as the text version, without forgoing premium office time. www.modioinfo.com
Website | www.modioinfo.com
Email | accounts@modioinfo.com
Association Forum Magazine – June/July 2018 Issue – EXPLOSION of Association Audio Programs
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